Here is a group of Plastic Children’s buttons with a rabbit moulded on them.  There are three different colour combinations used.

They were probably used on a child’s hand knitted cardigan in the 1940’s.


In 2010 I bought a jar of buttons at a local opp shop.  In it I found this string of buttons.  It was quite tangled so I pulled it apart and carefully placed them as I undid them so I could restring them in exactly the same manner.

I guess some young child had played with Grandma’s button tin and maybe on a rainy day had fun threading them.  If they could only speak they could tell me who, when and where they were done.  Anyway I have them now with a label on them to explain their story; just a little memory of Social  History.


This is an interesting group of oldish plastic buttons.

The first spiral type button has a nice colour combination.  The second one is a kind of terracotta and black scheme while the third is another spiral design in nice earthy colours. I am always amazed at all the different designs and never tire of them.


This is a lovely button having a silver metal decorative border with a claw set cameo type lady’s head in the centre.

I am guessing that this button may be from the 1920’s – 30’s however I am not sure.   I am also not sure but think the cameo is white glass which has been painted.  Nevertheless I find it very appealing.


The colour of the inside of the Tagua nut from which these buttons have been made can easily be seen as these two buttons have been dyed and then carved.  The dye does not go right through.  They polish up so nicely to a lovely finish.


I bought these reproduction button cards as is in Melbourne quite a few years ago.

They all have various old plastic buttons sewn on them. They really took my eye at the time as I thought they were well displayed.  Of course original cards are much better.  The black Scottie Dogs are just so cute!


These buttons all have a paisley design in the centre and are made of various materials.

No. 1 has a black border with paisley in blue shades.

No. 2 has a greyish border and the paisley has greens and pinks with gold added.

No. 3 has a gold border and paisley also in blues.

They are really pretty in their own way.  Paisley material was all the fashion back in the 1960’s or 70’s or thereabouts.  Paisley patterned shawls were very popular in  Scotland in the late 1840’s and 50’s.  Paisley design has been in vogue many times over the years.


Here is a nice group of Celluloid Bubble Top buttons.

They are various sizes and colours but mainly earthy colours.  The backs have all been painted black.   They are from the 1930’s.


Although the paintwork is not the best these two buttons are very eye catching.

One has a black border while the centre has a mixture of green, navy, red and white.  The other one also has a black border and the centre is grey, red and black with a gold ribbon trim.  They are both 3 cm in diameter.