There are two groups of buttons here made from bone.

They all have some carving on them and have been dyed which shows up the design.  There are also a few different shapes.  They were made in Nepal and are modern.


Sandra is a button friend of mine and her husband Bob made these wooden buttons.  He has added a button centre in these two.  We watched him make a plain wooden one.

It is nice to have a button which was made by a friend.


My friend Olwyn bought these buttons at The Button Queen Shop in London in 2011.  She is not a collector yet always finds some interesting ones for me and asks them to write some details on the cards .  We have a day of reckoning when she comes home.

No. 1  This is a silver button with a simple floral design on a square shape.  It is backmarked  Made in Deccan and has a Trade Mark.  It is circa 1900.

No. 2  This button pictures The Duchess of Devonshire.  It is a high relief moulded button and is a 1940’s reproduction of a 19th Century button.

No. 3  These are reverse cut and painted perspex buttons from the 1930’s.   I have shown both back and front.


I like this button which is horn with a pressed brass head on top.

It suits this small ornate metal frame and I have it in one of my glass display cabinets amongst the buttons.  I do not know if the head is of somebody famous.


This little group of glass buttons are a greyish mauve colour.

One has gold lustre and two have silver.  The one with the flower like design has three holes which is a little unusual.  Apart from the one with the gold which is smaller, they are all 1  1/2cm in diameter.


Two enamelled brass buttons are shown here.

One is a beautiful bright blue with a white centre and tiny pink flower.  The other has a white background with pink and blue flowers.  It has a gold scalloped edge.


This button is named “Boy with Hoop” and is of stamped brass. It has a japanned tin back and loop shank.

It is from the 1890’s and the detail is excellent.

My friend Olwyn bought it in 2013 at The Button Queen shop in London for me so I was really pleased.





Here we have some ordinary fabric covered buttons from years gone by (possibly a lot from the 1940’s – 1960’s)  Just look at the fabrics and compare them with today.

There are a couple of groups of various ones, one with Winter fabrics and one with tweed, houndstooth etc.  I also show two pictures of the backs showing the variety of make ups and shanks over the period.

Ladies did a lot of dressmaking back then and could buy the kits so they would use left over fabric to have matching buttons.  I have also shown a fabric covered buckle.


I find this button really intriguing.  It belongs to my friend Di.

The base is a pierced brass circle with an edge rolled under.  It has three tiny aqua flowers with gold centres sitting flat then three more bell shaped flowers hanging loose.  I think the flowers may be of Celluloid.  They are wired through the back to keep them in place.  It is quite cute and I have never seen one like it before. It is just under 2 cm in diameter.   I love it.