This Metal Picture Button features a bird with an umbrella and is made of brass. It is from the late 1800’s and was made in Germany. It is backmarked “EINGETR MUSTER”. My friend Di bought it at the recent Buttonfest in Bendigo for me. Due to ill health I was unable to go.


Here is another wooden button given to me by Sandra. It is a hexagon shaped button and has a ” worm tracks” like pattern on it. It would look nice on a woollen fabric or hand spun and knitted wool garment giving it a natural look.


This hand painted wooden button was recently given to me by my friend Sandra. It is very colourful and although the paintwork is somewhat worn it is still a nice button.


I have just purchased this snuff bottle recently at a market in Tasmania. The colours I find are beautiful and it took my eye. It is a modern one and has the little scoop for the snuff too.


After my recent trip to Tasmania in April I spent some time with my nephew in Melbourne. Unfortunately on 1st May, I fell down the stairs at his home and had over two weeks in The Alfred Hospital. I am now recouperating at home with six weeks of home care. It is going to be a long haul for me but I can only take a day at a time. While in Melbourne Graeme took me to Brighton Beach where I photographed the bathing boxes. They are really colourful and make a nice show however I would have liked to snap them without people around.


On 13th April I went with my friend Margaret on the Spirit of Tasmania to Tasmania to spend 17days touring around. We had the car so were able to come and go as we pleased. All the accommodation was booked ahead and it was all great. We did and saw some wonderful things including scenery, an old homestead, antique and opp shops and everything in between. I took 1000 plus photos so have a great memory of our time together. I have only been over there once before back in the 1960’s so it was all new to me. Here is a small sample of my photos to share. I would recommend a trip to Tasmania to everyone and not too much distance to travel around.