These two modern Watch Crystal buttons are new to my collection. They were made in Czechoslovakia. One is a clockface with a lady in a large feathered black hat. The other has a young girl in a green cape holding some holly in her hand. They are just a bit of fun.


This glass button is painted yellow on the back. The front has a floral design painted in red and green. It is a sort of Art Nouveau style and has a brass loop shank.


Here are two plastic (possibly bakelite) buttons from about the 1950’s. They are both red with a brass centrepiece with a flower like design. They are quite large at 3 1/2 cm.


Here is a Czechoslovakian glass button which I purchased in 2009. It is rather showy with a purple bottom and silver top with some gold lustre. The photo does not show it at it’s best. It has a metal loop shank.


This new plastic button is a black glass look alike. It certainly resembles a button of the early 1900’s with it’s moulded floral design. It measures just under 3 cm. All sorts of materials can be replicated in plastic.


Here is a group of four new buttons. They have small bits of dry grass and seeds embedded in them and are a reminder to me of the Habitat buttons of the early 1900’s of which I have only seen pictures in books.


This is a group of buttons that I bought yesterday in Millers Department Store in Benalla. It is an old fashioned style shop with good old fashioned service. The lady even tipped the buttons out of the tube so I could pick out the best button when I said I was a button collector. How about that! You only get that attention in smaller country towns.


Here is an original button card from The Czech Republic featuring twelve white glass buttons. They are an oval shape and have a simple daisy pattern painted on them.


Here is a nice painted white glass button with a design of grapes and leaves. It is actually uranium glass and glows green under a UV light. It has a metal four way box shank and is a nice size at a little over 2 1/2 cm.


Here are three plastic (maybe casein) buttons in black and white which is always striking. They are all sew through type and have a different cut away design.