Here are two black and white buttons from the 1930s I think. I find them striking and have quite a nice collection of them. I think they may be Casein but I do not know all the different plastics so just generalize. I love collecting buttons but am not very knowledgeable about them but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying them.


Here is a trio of buttons made from old doyleys. I had used them for crazy patchwork and had some scraps left over so thought covering buttons was a good way to use them up. They are quite bright and colourful.


Well, Christmas day is over for another year and I hope everyone had a nice time. I spent mine with family in Seymour and we sat out under the trees for our lunch. We all had a pleasant time together and it was good to see people I only see once a year. One of my great nieces made these gingerbread biscuits and they looked great and tasted yummy. Well done Eloise! I stayed for 3 nights to catch up with my brother and sister in law but it is always nice to get home again.


How about a change of subject matter! Here is an embroidered pin cushion which I made several years ago. It has a variety of threads, beads and ribbon and was fun to make. My friend Suzanne from Bendigo and I went into a craft shop there and saw one and were impressed with it. The lady didn’t have any instructions but took a photocopy of the actual cushion and we wrote notes around it and she got us all the threads etc. that we would need. Between us we managed to get it done. It represents a garden with lawn and paving and of course flowers. It was fun doing it together.


Well, another year is nearly over and it is Christmas time again. I wish everyone a very happy Christmas with family and friends and good health and much happiness in the new year. May we find some button treasures in the new year too.


This framed lot of buttons are Victorian Celluloids and all in beige or brown colours. Each one has a different fine metal design and they make a nice group to be displayed in the gold frame. I am rather fond of this type of button.


This group of buttons are made of Vegetable Ivory from the Tagua Nut of a Palm Tree which grows in the tropical forests of part of South America. It is called Vegetable Ivory as the natural colour of the inside of the nut resembles Ivory. They have been dyed with red which takes to the inner section of the nut. A simple design has been carved in each of them.


Here is a Metal Picture Button featuring Putto at the Fountain. Putto holds an umbrella and sits on a wall which has an ivy growing on it. It is great how much detail that these picture buttons have on them. It has a japanned back with a metal loop shank and measures 3 1/2 cm.


This button was a gift from my friend Di and I believe it is of Horn with the central area being bone. It is quite striking being black and white and measures 4 cm. It is a modern button.


This metal picture button has a floral theme. In the inner circle is a large brass flower on a painted dimpled background. On the outer area of white metal is a brass sprig of small flowers. It measures a little over 3 1/2 cm. In all it is rather a nice button.