I love Austrian Tinies buttons especially for the variety of materials and their fine detail.  They are mainly metal; some are tinted a colour and combined with celluloid, mother of pearl or cut steels etc. to give the amazing effects.


Here are three nice buttons with some brown velvet and a leaf like design made from cut steels.  I think the background may be brown Celluloid.  It always amazes me at how much detail can be put into such a small button.

I really love these tiny little gems.


Austrian Tinies are very small metal buttons with other materials like velvet, celluloid and pearl used in their design.  They are always under 1 cm in diameter.  The back is domed and japanned (layers of black paint) and has a metal loop shank.

As the name suggests they were mainly made in Austria.

To have so much detail in such a small button is wonderful.  Lots of them have tinted metal and have several layers in their making.  They were made in the late 19th and early 20th Century.


As the name suggests these buttons are small and were mainly made in Austria.  I really appreciate the workmanship in them because of their detail in such a small button.  They have a Japanned (black painted metal)  back with a loop shank.  Some have Mother of Pearl, Velvet, Dyed metal and Celluloid as backgrounds, then having delicate filigree designs on top. What wonderful little works of art.  I have displayed this large group in a lovely velvet and gold frame (from the opp shop of course!) which I feel is very appropriate.