This button has carved square orange/brown bakelite set into a brass backing combined with a brass cross in the centre.

It is a fascinating button with the brass back being embossed in a floral pattern.  What a pity to hide it.  It is not exactly square being 25 mm x 23 mm.


I have just bought these two buttons.  One is black bakelite with inlaid strips of Applejuice Bakelite.  It is a square button of 2  1/2 cm and looks great.

The other one is of carved dark brown Bakelite with an inlaid Applejuice centre.  It is just under 4 cm X 3 cm.  I think they are beaut buttons.


This button is a combination of silver metal and black bakelite and has quite an unusual shape and design.

To me it is rather smart looking with the metal escutcheon on top of the bakelite circle which makes a nice contrast.  It is just under 2  1/2cm and has a metal loop shank.



From the Art Deco period, these three buttons are the same design but with a different coloured centre.

The base is made from Applejuice Bakelite.  The combination of colours make a pleasing button. They are sew through buttons.


These Bakelite buttons are reasonably small being just over 2cm.

Two are tortoiseshell type, one with gold speck inclusions and one with a brass trim.  The other button is dark brown also having a brass decoration.


These Bakelite buttons are really chunky and I love the carving on them.

One is a nice orange colour and the other is Applejuice bakelite.  A lot of these carved buttons were made especially in browns and black, some being much larger.


These two green cockatoo buttons are certainly different and it is nice to have a buckle in the same colour.

I have displayed them on part of an old water colour of mine which was destined for the scrap heap and I think it suits ok.


I have taken a fancy to Bakelite buttons and previously didn’t have many.   Here is an interesting group; one is carved and very chunky and one is Applejuice bakelite (named so because of the colour)  with a Mother of Pearl centre and pin shank.  The other two both have gold coloured inclusions giving them a sparkly look.  I really love the carved look and have bought several larger ones recently.  Let’s save them for another day!!


This is a nice group of laminated bakelite buttons.  Two have a combination of bakelite and wood.  The triangle one combines two different colours of bakelite and the last one has a triangle of Applejuice bakelite (named because of the colour) inserted.  I reckon that they are from the 1930’s period and are really striking.  They all have a metal loop shank.