Here is a set of plastic cameo button covers which are rather nicely made. They are made to slide down over a plain existing button and snapped fast. This dresses up an otherwise plain garment by just changing the buttons. You can see in the photo how they slide down and snap together; a rather clever contraption. I think they were especially popular during the 1980s.


Here are six Cameo Style button covers.  They are made from some type of plastic but look quite realistic.

You use them to ” dress up ” a garment by sliding them over the existing plain button and snapping them together.  What a nifty idea.


I have just recently picked up these two cards of button covers at the local Hospice Opp Shop.  It must have been my lucky day to have found them both at the same time.

What a nifty way to dress up a garment.  I have quite a few single ones but not many full sets which are always nice to have.


Here is a card of Button Covers picturing Felix the Cat made in U.S.A.  Aren’t they so cute!!   Of course Felix the Cat was a popular cartoon character from the silent film era, firstly in 1919.

They are used to change the look of a garment by just sliding them over the existing button and snapping them into position.  Isn’t that a nifty idea.


Button covers were made to “dress up ”  a garment.  You could change the look simply by sliding the back of the button cover under the existing button and snapping it shut.  A plain jacket (for instance)  then had a new look.  I wonder who thought up this idea.