Here are three buttons of the same design but in different colour schemes. They are of thread wound around a mould and stitched in a complimentary colour. I can’t imagine what type of garment these buttons would have been worn on.
This is an interesting group of fabric buttons which I think come from India. They are very ornate with their gold and silver stitching and beads on a black velvet ground. To me they have a regal look about them.
I made these two embroidered fabric buttons quite a few years ago. It was a bit of a craze of mine at the time and I made several just for fun. You buy the moulds at the Haberdashery shop. Years ago when ladies made their own clothes they used to make their own buttons out of the same fabric too. Just another sign of the times.
Here is a fabric covered buckle and some buttons. Home dressmakers used these all the time as you could buy the kits ready to use. That was especially in the 1930s to 50s. It is interesting to see the various fabrics and compare them with the fabrics of today. My, how things change.
These two buttons are beaded onto black velvet. I believe they are made in India. They are modern and being rather colourful have a certain charm about them. I guess they are done by hand which makes them more interesting.
Here is a trio of buttons made from old doyleys. I had used them for crazy patchwork and had some scraps left over so thought covering buttons was a good way to use them up. They are quite bright and colourful.
These Fabric covered buttons are rather large and would have been used I suggest on an overcoat. Maybe they are from the 1960’s – 70’s. The colours would suggest so.
Here is a group of fabric covered buttons with various fabrics of years gone by. They are made in various ways with different backs e.g. metal back with pad shank, metal back and loop shank etc.
It would be interesting to be able to identify their age by the style and fabric design. They just make a colourful picture I think. I was given them recently.
I find this button fascinating. It has a fabric covered outer section with a brass centre showing an Indian’s head. The back is interesting too. Most fabric covered buttons are made with a pad shank.
Here is yet another braid covered button. It has a black painted tin back with a metal loop shank and measures just under 2 1/2 cm. It would have been a time consuming task.