These four buttons all have been tinted in a shade of red. They all have a very decorative design, one with cut steels and another with a mirror back shining through the aperture. They are small buttons ranging from 1 cm to 1 1/4 cm.
Both of these buttons have been painted, one black, the other white. The gold of the metal makes a nice contrast.
The white one is backmarked – GLSETZLICH & GESTHUTZT. They are just over 2 cm in diameter.
Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse are the characters on these three painted metal buttons.
They were produced in the 1940’s in Australia. Their diameter is just under 2 cm. They each have a tin back and shank.
From the Art Deco period these three buttons are made from tin.
The coloured background in them is Celluloid I think although the black one may be painted tin. They all have a tin back and range from 1 1/2 to 2cm.
These three buttons are made from brass and probably come from the 1920’s – 30’s period.
One is a sew through type while the other two have tin backs and shanks. Their simplicity of design is effective.
Although the paintwork is not the best these two buttons are very eye catching.
One has a black border while the centre has a mixture of green, navy, red and white. The other one also has a black border and the centre is grey, red and black with a gold ribbon trim. They are both 3 cm in diameter.
This button is interesting in it’s make up. It has strips of embossed brass rolled over to the back making a very different border.
The centre has a pretty filigree pattern. A metal loop shank can be seen on the back. Such a different design!
These three buttons are of a white metal and are rather small, the largest being 1 1/2cm in diameter.
They all feature some type of plant life in their design.
I have always liked this button. The straight lines contrast nicely with the two bands across with a scrolly pattern.
To me it looks a quality button. The front has a copper gilding ( or maybe it is actually copper, I am no expert!! ) while the back is brass with a loop shank. It is just under 2 cm in diameter.
I like the look of these three buttons, especially the oval one with the red and cream paint.
Their geometric designs are very eye catching. Two have shanks incorporated in the metal back while one is a sew through. This particular button I have plain with no paint and it looks no where near as striking. Button designs are amazing.