Well, Christmas day is over for another year and I hope everyone had a nice time. I spent mine with family in Seymour and we sat out under the trees for our lunch. We all had a pleasant time together and it was good to see people I only see once a year. One of my great nieces made these gingerbread biscuits and they looked great and tasted yummy. Well done Eloise! I stayed for 3 nights to catch up with my brother and sister in law but it is always nice to get home again.
Well, another year is nearly over and it is Christmas time again. I wish everyone a very happy Christmas with family and friends and good health and much happiness in the new year. May we find some button treasures in the new year too.
I have just come home from 2 nights away with two of my friends. We had a lovely time in Opp shops and Antique shops in Bendigo, Castlemaine and Inglewood. I got lots of buttons so now have a lot of cleaning and carding to keep me amused at night time. We had 3 lovely old pub meals; Parma, Lamb’s fry and bacon and Roast Pork all served with a nice lot of vegies, Yum!! At the old pub in Inglewood y’day their was a small group of old ladies at a table doing craft so we went and had a chat. It was my birthday y’day, so they all sang Happy Birthday to me. Aren’t country folk so friendly. I also got lost in the toilet!!!!! so many doors, one was the cleaning room, another private, another toilet and another said pull. I kept pulling and nothing happened. Suddenly I pushed it and lo and behold it opened into the lounge. What a fun day, I bought some old fabric buttons at the tiny opp shop and a few at an Antique shop. I got lots at The Mill shed in Castlemaine so did very well. Maybe some photos later. One friend Margaret got a few pieces of Myott china for her collection so she was thrilled too. What a lovely way to spend some time.
Left is Castlemaine, right is Inglewood. Not much time for photos!!
My nephew Graeme and I went to see it yesterday and we really enjoyed it.
Some costumes were simple and elegant, some full and glamorous while others were “way out and different!”
It also featured some hats and shoes. Every type of material was used.
The Gallery did a wonderful job of displaying the Exhibition.
I am so pleased that Graeme took me