These three old plastic buttons each have a cut out design but are really different.

I love all buttons for different reasons be they a Satsuma porcelain or a more common plastic one.  They all have a story to tell.


I think these two yacht buttons are really striking and are probably 1930’s or 40’s.

The colour combinations are a little odd but very effective.  The fine white lines are a great addition to the design and I think they would look no where near as good without them.


These are laser cut and surface coloured polyester buttons.

They were made in Brazil for JHB International in about 1998.  One represents Betty Boop and the other a Flapper from the 1920’s.   Ref:  Big Book of Buttons, Page 142


These yellow plastic buttons have a cut out design with several coloured flowers painted on them.  They would certainly brighten up a garment.  Maybe they are from the 1940’s – 50’s.


This is a great group of old Plastic buttons.

They feature a jockey on his horse surrounded by a horseshoe.  What a good design and it is nice to have a few in different colours.


This button represents the Astrology sign Pisces (two fish) which covers the period February 21 to March 20.

As my birthday is March 6 I am a Piscesian (is that a word or have I just invented it!! )  so had to buy this button just for the fun of it.


We have two groups of hat buttons, the green Tyrolean hats are jazzy with their red feather.  They have a brass loop shank.

The bonnets with ribbon around are colourful and have a self shank.


These two bright and colourful buttons were painted by Edith and Alan Brooks ( a husband and wife team ) from England in the 1960’s – 70’s.

The designs are so free and flowing, both being flowers.  They used mainly matte finished casein blanks to  paint on.

Two sets of Brooks buttons were accepted by Queen Elizabeth, one each for Prince Charles and Princess Anne.

I have only just acquired them and am thrilled as they are my first.  Ref. Big Book of Buttons P. 125


Lea Stein was a French jeweller.  She made her buttons from layers of Cellulose Acetate ( a plastic material )  of various colours.  When the layers were cut back a very nice effect was achieved.  She made lots of brooches too.

They were made in the 1960’s.


What a cute group of Nursery Rhyme buttons made in 1996 by Blumenthal & Co. in USA.

They are made of polyester and are backmarked  B/L 96.

Pictured are :  Little Miss Muffet,  Jack Be Nimble,  Humpty Dumpty and two from Hey Diddle Diddle.