This is a reproduction white metal button made in Italy under La Mode brand. It was made for Blumenthal Lansing Company of USA copying a button from the 1900-1910 period. I bought a series of these reproduction buttons on their original cards at a craft shop in Bendigo in 2010.


These buttons were in the Craft shops during 2010 – 2011.  I was pleased to find them as they reproduce buttons from the 1860’s to 1900 period.  I had seen them advertised in a Craft magazine and was keen to find them.  They are of brass and measure 2  1/2 cm.

They were made in Italy and were produced by La Mode for Blumenthal Lansing Company in USA.


This card of buttons was made in Italy for La Mode and I purchased it in a craft shop in 2010.

The metal buttons featuring a cherub reproduces buttons from the 1860-1899 period.  It would be interesting to see one of the original buttons.


Here are four white metal buttons being reproduced for La Mode.  They were made in Italy and France. They are all made of metal.

No 1 :  1941 repro – A nice simple flower design on a plain background.

No 2:  1890 repro – A rider on his horse carrying a horn.

No 3: 1900-1910 repro – A beautifully sculptured lady in the Art Nouveau style.

No 4: 1860-1899 repro – A quite intricate scrolly design.

I think it is nice that they have reproduced some designs.  I would love to see some of the original buttons to compare.


These four buttons are all reproductions of buttons from the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.  No. 1 is 1900-1919,  No. 2 & 3 are 1860-1899 and No. 4 is 1880 – 1890.

They probably used original button moulds and were made in Italy.  They were made for La Mode and were available in the shops in the 2010 – 12 period.