These two glass buttons are colourful and cheery and I like them. They were handmade by Di Bloomfield from Victoria. They have a plastic shank glued to the back of them and measure 2 cm.


Here is a handmade Glass Paperweight button which is very colourful. It was made by Mary Gaumond from USA. I guess it is lampwork glass which I have watched being made at the Bendigo Pottery. It is a fascinating process. The colours in glass always show up so beautifully. It has a metal loop shank and measures 1 1/2 cm.


This button was made by F. Rossi from U.S.A. in 2010.

It is of Balsa wood and carved in the form of an owl.  It has a simple charm about it.  It measures a little over 2   1/2 cm.

STUDIO BUTTONS – By Bob Benson, U.S.A.

These buttons are made from Vegetable Ivory and were made by Bob Benson.

He has dyed and carved a decorative border and inserted a torquoise stone in one, a fossil in another and a jasper stone in the last one.

They are rather unique and becoming rather expensive.  These ones were made in the 2011 – 12 period and measure a little over 4 cm so are quite large.


“WHAT A HOOT”   By Sonia Collard, Australia

This sterling silver button with Tigers Eye stones for the eyes was designed by Sonia and has just been made this year (2018)

It is 2 cm in diameter, has a loop shank and is backmarked.  There was a limited edition of fifty of these buttons made.



What lovely bright buttons these are.  They are made of glass and the modern designs are great. I really love glass and all the lovely colours and effects that the glassmakers achieve.  It is fascinating to watch them.  I would have great fun if they let me loose is a studio!!!


These two glass buttons were made by Di Bloomfield from Australia.  I have been fascinated by glass for a long time  and the colours and the modern design of these buttons are very eye catching.  I have enjoyed watching a glass maker in Bendigo make beads and that would be a similar process to buttons I think.   What a wonderful art.


Designed by Sonia Collard of Australia, both of these buttons are sterling silver.  The first one is named “Celtic Opal” as the design suggests, having a type of Celtic knot with an opal set in the middle.   “Pearly Shell” is the name of the second one for obvious reasons.  They are both very nicely made.  Celtic Opal was made in 2016 and Pearly Shell in 2017.



Named “East  Beach”, this hand made glass button features a bird flying over the beach.  I am impressed with the effect of the sand in which she used silver to get the look.  It was made early this year.