On 1st November I posted these China face buttons  as I had just purchased them.

I have now sewn them onto reproduction postcards from the early 1900’s as was done back then.  One says “I’ll soon be with you”  and the other “My Kingdom for a man”. I could not print them direct so had to photograph my ipad screen hence the discolouration.  They are rather quaint and just a bit of fun.


As my website is called Buttonsplus it gives me the option to post some things other than buttons and today I am doing just that.   The cactus was a great surprise as I only spotted it late in the afternoon.  I am not a real gardener like my mother was but I like some plants around me.

The drawing is another of my interests which gives me lots of pleasure as my button collecting does.  It is always nice to share I think.


I had a pleasant surprise recently when my cactus plant produced a lovely flower.  It is the first one for me.  I was lucky to photograph it as it only lasted a day.  I would like to share it.


I have only seen these buttons in books and these three are a new addition to my collection which I am pleased about.  You can see from the abnormalaties that they were hand painted.

In the early 1900’s they were used on fun postcards using the button for the face of the character portrayed.


This is a modern domed button with a clockface and the words ” We are all mad here ”  on it.  I think it is a Mad Hatter button from the Alice in Wonderland collection.

My friend Sonia gave it to me at the recent Buttonfest in Melbourne with my purchases suggesting that we all ( button collectors ) should have one.  It is just a bit of fun.


I show now some photos from the Buttonfest held in Melbourne on 13th October,  2018.

They are all from the Victorian Button Collectors Club display there.  The theme was for buttons of the world and there were some really beautiful buttons and buckles displayed.  Of course there were thousands of buttons for sale and I had my yearly splurge which I will share later.  It was another successful and well run show.


This week I have had two “must haves” for my button room.

One is a little metal sign that says “Cute as a Button.”  The other I actually got at a Second Hand Shop where I visit most weeks.  Who would want it other than a Button Collector I do not know.  It is a blue Ceramic plaque of a button.  I think I was meant to have them.


Here we have two groups of Blazer buttons, one lot being silver coloured and the other gold.

They are mainly metalized plastic although a few are actually metal.  There is a variety of subject matter on them but Yachts, Shields and Crowns are very common.  They range in size from 1  1/2cm to just under 3 cm.