These buttons were made for JHB International in 1998.

They are painted wood realistic images of “Snap”, “Crackle” and “Pop” who were pictured on Kellogg’s Rice Bubbles cereal packets.  You could hear the bubbles snap, crackle and pop when you poured on the milk.  It was a good advertising theme.  They have a backmark TM and a clear plastic shank glued on.


There was quite a fad for these buttons for a short while in the late 1980’s. These have a black background but my friend Sandra has some other coloured ones too.

They are three piece buttons of a metal base with a glass or clear plastic cover.  A variety of tiny objects were encased inside. I can’t quite imagine what type of garment would warrant these buttons.


I love these three buttons.  They are all chunky and carved, one having blue paint in the carved area.  All of them have a lovely smooth feel and I am not sure what they are made from.  (Perhaps Bakelite!!)   They also all have a metal loop shank.


What a lovely bird design the large button is.  It has velvet in the background which would  be used to put on perfume.

The two smaller buttons are a similar design.  The large one is just under 4 cm. and the smaller ones just over 1  1/2 cm.

These buttons are probably from the Victorian period.


After all the heat we have had it was lovely to get out and about in the fresh air and go for a drive.  Terry and I went to Euroa (about 3/4 hour drive away)  towards the hills.  We bought some lunch at the Bakery and went down to the creek which runs through Euroa and sat at a picnic table to eat, then going for a walk in the park.  It was beautiful with a lovely cool breeze.  Oh! to be able to breathe again.   We then drove along the creek a little way having a few stops for photos; how nice.  Before coming home I went to the opp shop and got some buttons, also picked some Sales Rep original cards of buttons that the lady showed me out the back.  She has to hold them for a few days and then I will be able to go over again and buy them.  I was just in the right place at the right time and because I told her that I was a collector she invited me out the back to look.  We then came home for a nice cup of tea.

How does that sound for a most enjoyable and productive days outing.  Lucky me!!   I hope you enjoy some of my photos.