Yesterday I was lucky enough to go to The Victorian Button Collector’s Club Exhibition and Sales day in Melbourne.   It is the day of the year where I have saved up my money to have a big splurge on the many buttons available from 50cents to maybe $150 each so all are catered for.  It is like a child being in a lolly shop.  My friends Carole and Ross drove me down and after about  five hours spent at the show my nephew and niece picked me up so I could stay down for a few days.  The Melbourne ladies make me most welcome and I can sit and chat to them while resting my back.  It was a perfect day both weatherwise and the running of the show.  I was thrilled to have drawn out a winning raffle ticket for a little girl who was so excited to win a pretty frame with children’s buttons displayed in it.  It made my day to see her so happy.  I got a nice variety of buttons and will look forward to photographing them and sharing them when I get home.  ( I forgot to bring my camera cord with me!!! )  I have just been to my nieces place for a lovely barbeque lunch and I am now going to “play”  with my new buttons because I was too tired to do so yesterday.  Button Collecting is a great hobby for young and old.